Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Thoughts

Today is Father's Day. It has impressed upon me as I sit in church today, I am blessed to celebrate the second generation of the Christian heritage upon the Carder family. Of course Cindi's side of the family is into their fourth generation. What a blessing to have inherited her family's blessing.

It was around the time of my birth that my father and mother came to Christ through the ministry of The Wesleyan Church in Monroe, Michigan. I am forever grateful for the ministry of this local church. This is an incredible story for another blog.

Now it is my generation who is raising a family for Christ. As i sit in church today i am joined by my daughter, Jossy on my left and Jeremiah on my right. I am proud of my children. (Jon is at boot camp right now.) The spiritual heritage that Cindi and I have attempted to pass on, while it is young, is for the third and fourth generation. I hope that what is experienced and the values taught will positively effect my children's children. (If the Lord shall prevail.)

It is really a joy to celebrate Father's Day as a believer. I have a father who is eternal who cares for me.