Tuesday, July 08, 2008

From $3,000 TO $7,000 PER FAMILY TAX REFUND!

John McCain got my attention tonight during a C-SPAN presentation when he said the magic word; the word that is on the minds of every American; money!

The McCain plan is comprehensive and not just flattery mumblings from a charismatic showman. I love what McCain suggests in his speech. He addresses the major issues confronting us today. He spoke often about the fuel prices and centered his message on the family-not politics as usual. He spoke of real solutions with a real plan~not patty-cake lip service.

McCain offers real answers! He not only tells of his plan and goes beyond tearful stories. He is experienced and honest and real. He doesn't shift his answers; he tells it like it is and follows up with solutions that can work. He speaks of things that failed (like his and other's immigration policies) but offers new efforts.

His stories are not just flowery and puffed up stories but he speaks of one with experience.

When he said, "To love your county is to love your countrymen," he comes across as one who has been there in the struggle with full integrity.

One note for Obama.
Obama, you should have debated McCain. Your avoidance of this opportunity undermines your ability to lead. If your plan works, you should be able to defend it.

The debate continues. God has blessed the USA. We are grateful that we still can have constructive debate.

Oh, by the way, McCain is letting me use my my hard earned money. It is money I earned and i think I know how to invest it into my country's needs and obligations.