Thursday, February 02, 2006


The pride of common folk is profound! Growing up in a small home with seven other siblings and sharing one bathroom had its challenges, especially in the mornings. Our family were pretty plain people. We were the common folk in those days. We shared everything - some more than others. I remember the hand-me-down clothes. Fortunately for me, by the time I got them (being 2nd from the youngest) the style of clothes was on a come-back. Growing up with limited means had its challenges but as I reflect upon this I can take pride in being common folk.

I am sure that as simblings we each have different experiences and stories. Not all of our experiences were positive. Our parents worked hard and did the best they could. As I reflect upon my father and mother's influence in my life I am thankful for their sacrifice in providing us with what we needed. Their influence is a part of my life today. While just the other day I caught myself thinking, "I sound just like dad!"

Remembering and valuing my growing up days is a celebrated activity. I am so thankful for the value I learned about sharing. I am thankful for the value of my faith, instilled by my parents and church. I am thankful for the fun I had. I am thankful for the soul-mending experiences God has given me. Life is enriched because of what I now know and what I experienced as a child.

Respond to this article but also reflect upon one experience that you recall from childhood that contributed to a value you hold today.

The 2nd youngest!