Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Miah's basic training


Interesting videos of boot camp experiences....

Daily schedule

An average day typically begins before sunrise.[1] Reveille is sounded and all recruits present themselves for accountability. After personal hygiene and morning clean-up, recruits will perform physical training (only on Monday through Saturday). After the morning meal, the recruits begin the day's scheduled training, which may include classes, drill, or martial arts. On Sundays, recruits are offered the morning to attend divine worship and personal time. After the noon meal, the day's training continues until the evening meal, typically around 1700 to 1800 (5:00 to 6:00 PM). After this time, recruits will have hygiene time to shower, clean their weapons, and clean their barracks. Recruits also get roughly 1 hour of square away time after this, personal time for recruits to engage in personal activities such as preparing uniforms or equipment, writing letters, working out, or doing laundry. Recruits are not free from their DIs or allowed to leave the squad bay during this time. In preparation to sleep, recruits may hydrate, pray together for 5 minutes, ensure footlockers and rifles are locked, and often recite the Rifleman's Creed or Marines' Hymn before hitting the rack. Lights-out can range from 2000 to 2200 (8:00 to 10:00 PM), depending on the next day's activities.